BoomBoom invades The Megadome!!!!
yep...Globelines pretty much still suck, and they still owe me...errr...US for their currently screwed-up services. hence, the zero updates since i dunno...for the past 2? 3 weeks?
bah. it's all good. the connection's back up, but i'm not taking any chances still and wait until it goes back to crap ZERO connection later on (probably...not sure though).
so the past two weeks have been surprisingly great. got some time off from the almost-geek life i've (+++ the rest of the gang) been living since july, and been making rounds all over Cebu. it's good to be back...and i'm just here to fucking brag bout it all.
ok, so there's not really much to brag, but hey...i DID get to go to a few notable kingdoms of cool. ;) ohhhhhhhhhh...say for example, gaining entry to a NO ENTRY and MAJORLY controversial construction site where a future landmark will be plopped on? bwahahahhaaha.
it pays to be good lookin', eh?
ok it really wasn't much bout good looks. it DID however involve a lot of annoying, whining, persuasion, and off the record...a bit of crying. hehehehehhe. or it was just pure dumb luck that i accidentally bumped into an old friend who's now playing with the big boys and is involved with a little construction thing that the whole city's anitcipating:
the formerly-named MEGADOME, and has been renamed to something that sounds a little more serious. and as all "serious" names go, it's long, dull, and...yea, important.
The Cebu International Convention Center
now let's go play some pictionary...BoomBoom's LEGO style!!! :D
bah. it's all good. the connection's back up, but i'm not taking any chances still and wait until it goes back to crap ZERO connection later on (probably...not sure though).
so the past two weeks have been surprisingly great. got some time off from the almost-geek life i've (+++ the rest of the gang) been living since july, and been making rounds all over Cebu. it's good to be back...and i'm just here to fucking brag bout it all.
ok, so there's not really much to brag, but hey...i DID get to go to a few notable kingdoms of cool. ;) ohhhhhhhhhh...say for example, gaining entry to a NO ENTRY and MAJORLY controversial construction site where a future landmark will be plopped on? bwahahahhaaha.
it pays to be good lookin', eh?
ok it really wasn't much bout good looks. it DID however involve a lot of annoying, whining, persuasion, and off the record...a bit of crying. hehehehehhe. or it was just pure dumb luck that i accidentally bumped into an old friend who's now playing with the big boys and is involved with a little construction thing that the whole city's anitcipating:
the formerly-named MEGADOME, and has been renamed to something that sounds a little more serious. and as all "serious" names go, it's long, dull, and...yea, important.
now let's go play some pictionary...BoomBoom's LEGO style!!! :D

not exactly a major day of mancation, but it definitely helped boost up the testosterone levels a bit. after 3 months of getting daily phonecalls from the girls (TT & especially CC), did i need THIS. SOLAR heat, hardhats, tools, sweat, piss, spit, fartfests, and LOADS OF STEEL.

if not for The J, i would've never had my Earl-ass up here before the grand opening. :D

y'see kids? this is why you should've just spent more time playing with those Lego blocks the 'rents gave you than spending it all inside the bathroom jacking off to Madonna's cone tits in the 80's.
that, or Cyndi Lauper, Debbie Gibson...or Michael Jackson and MC Hammer. :D worries. y'never know, you could also build your own building shaped like a cone, in tribute to all the mofos who told you you'd never amount to anything.
Labels: buildings