GUCCI sneakers
"my stylist chose it for me", my ass...
if you could afford to buy yachts and throw kickass million $$$ parties, you know you're never going to get caught dead wearing some $2 shirt off some folding table downtown.
"machisimo is SO over. nobody likes their man all sweaty and hobo-looking. why do you think we end up crying all the time coz we always fall for the asshole in killer Gucci than the nice, sweet and dependable boy in Hollister?" --CC
--damn that girl has given me more life lessons than any father could give. HAHAHA!!!
as much as we'd all like to be Homer Simpson and not care, if you're not Bill Gates, we all gotta dress for respect. and the world respect fucking logos, so either deal with it, or be happy being stuck in your own bubble of sweat and piss.
'nuff said. bring on the overpriced cow hide and some strings...

Gucci Classic $395 (PHP20K) and Classic Logo sneaker $345 (PHP17-18K)Gucci Script Logo Sneaker $395
well worth the $395 to kick heels in this ↓ BWAHAHA!!!
well at least nobody's gonna bother you in the middle of a score by asking, "nice shoes...what are those?". now THAT, is strictly for the ladies...unfortunately, there ARE guys out there who do just that.
which is why i'm bothering to write about shoes hoping to prevent future annoyance. read blogs, instead of going out of your way to ask some guy...even if he's a friend. i'm doing you a favor well as myself. HAHAHA!!!!