it's SUPER Shayt!
seriously, i eat a lot. and i pay the price of gluttony every single time i purge. wait...isn't gluttony a mortal sin? ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....interestinnnnnnggg.
i eat like a horse coz food's always a good thing, know what i'm saying? and man am i carnivore. i think vegans are crazy for missing one of life's greatest pleasures...a HUGE hunk of meat seared in perfection. protein from tofu my ass! i want steak! bigmacs! chicken! fuck calories and cholesterol...i'm PRO-MEAT, PRO-GREASE, PRO-FAT! so obviously, i was never a big fan of salads and everything that doesn't cluck, moo, or makes any kind of natural sound. i LIKE them, but i can live without them. but man, was i wrong...
y'see, when guys get together, it's not just about sex and girls that we talk about contrary to popular belief. we talk about highly-intellectual things too...oil price hikes, investments, stock market (LOL! AS IF!), drunk and deep takes on love and relationships...drugs, and shit. oh yeah...LITERAL shit. turd...poop...crap...TAE...whatever you'd like to call it. we all have it. funny how rarely anybody talks about it. we die if we don't let it out...literally. it is one very underrated subject that really should be given more attention...and I AM GOING TO VOICE OUT MY OWN CONTRIBUTION to the future scientific, cultural, and psychological investigations, evaluations, study and projects on this VERY neglected subject.

who was that again who said "a picture could say a thousand words"? so far, all i've gotten were one to three...mainly, "YUCKS", "EWWW", AND "OH MY GOD"...AHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIHI!
damn...vegetables really ARE good for you! i'm telling ya huge this is, it wasn't painful at all...(and i've never been bumfucked before. never have, never matter how hot the girl is, and purrrs me into "trying new things together"..."testing sexual capacity")
newfound favorite word: FIBER
so you see kids, the next time your mom tells ya to eat your vegetables, DO IT!