Puma Ostrich Clydes
and when i said "sell you soul", i mean it. coz it's probably the only way you can ever get your hands on these pretties. READ: THE ONLY EXISTING PAIR IN THE WORLD. got these photos from THE forum to go to for everything Puma, PumaTalk with the permission of Joey Dee.
the owner of the actual pair, BBHewee sent the photos to PumaTalk and they were cool enough to allow me to post them here. thanks man...
check out what the cool and calm (hell, i just had to say that. coz if I owned these, i'd be running around EVERYWHERE bragging nonstop!!! hahaha) owner, BBHewee, had to share about these babies...
"Just a little background on these: they are one-offs, made of genuine
ostrich leather. They were made in the Taiwan Puma factory for a friend, and
passed on to me. They are not a forthcoming release, even in mock ostrich
leather, as far as I know. "
like i always say...who says it's all just about the ladies??? good pal CC's going to have a fit when she finds out ostrich isn't so exclusive afterall. "just by Hermes and Vuitton", huh? ;)HAHAHAHAHA!!!!
Yoooo doppeee... respect bro!!! 10x again dude...
Joey Dee
Posted by
Anonymous |
Thursday, August 31, 2006 4:18:00 AM
yo bro JD, thanks for the holler!!!
Posted by
BB |
Tuesday, September 05, 2006 9:09:00 PM